Our Garden 2010

This year Maurice and I decided to have a bigger garden. We were hoping to have an abundance of veggies to share with our family, neighbors and friends. Check back often to see what is growing.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Asparagus beans

Yep, those are really beans, Asparagus beans. I haven't tried them yet. I have heard they are so tender. I cannot wait to give them a taste.

Trying to make pickles this year. Got a simple recipe off the net. We will see how it goes.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Finally !!!!

Finally we got some RED tomatoes from OUR garden. These are the Roma ones. Tasty!

First Zucchini

Here are our first zucchini for this garden. I was actually quite surprised by them. They just seemed to get huge over night.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wild plums

Don't these wild plums look tasty. They are when they are nice and ripe.

Starting to turn red....

Roma tomatoes

Roma tomatoes- beginning of May- just waiting for them to turn red.

Wild Black berries

Hoping that the black berry harest will be good this year. If we keep getting rain we should be good. Does anyone have any good jam recipes?

Some of the snow peas

Look at the snow peas!

Look at those watermelon grow!

Do you see a cucumber?

Look at the cucumbers grow!

Look at that corn grow!

Row of green peppers

Asparagus Bean Bloom

Isn't this a beautiful bloom. It is one of the first blooms from the asparagus beans. We will see how the bean turns out.

Banana Peppers

A little watermelon

We are so excited. Look an actual watermelon!

Cayenne Peppers

More Spice

3 Jalapenos

What once was a bloom.....Hope Maurice is ready for some spice.

Huge Zucchini bloom

One row of beans

Here is one row of beans. We have a total of 3 rows. This is the earliest planted one. As you can see they are really starting to take off. No blooms yet.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Corn Corn Corn Corn
Our corn didn't do so well last year. I hope it does better this year. We have 4 rows. Yes I know it---It needs to be weeded. :-0
Watermelon plants just starting to spread. Drena, Sid and me love us some watermelon.
More Zucchini.


Zucchini plants. We should have some by the end of the month. Mmmmm how should I fix it?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Snow Peas

Snow Peas growing in May--even though they are NOT a hot weather plant. I just love me some snow peas.

Jalapeño bloom

More tomatoes

This one of the tomatoe plants in early May. We are still waiting to have them turn red. Boy do they look good, though.

Garden in early May

Row of tomatoes. I was asked earlier this week when I bought another tomatoe plant if I was "starting a tomatoe ranch". I am not sure what a tomatoe ranch is?

May 19th Snow Peas

Picked a handle full of snow peas today. Boy, are they sweet. I can just eat them raw. We also got 3 rows weeded- well de-grassed. :-)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our Garden 2010

This year Maurice and I decided to have a bigger garden. We were hoping to have an abundance of veggies to share with our family, neighbors and friends. Check back often to see what is growing.